Ceramic Veneer and Bridge Example

This patient was unhappy with the appearance of her upper front teeth. She disliked the lack of symmetry on the left side. The problem arose because she had a retained canine tooth. A wax mock up is made so the patient could visualise the result on a dental model before the work is carried out. This mock up is used to transfer the result into the mouth. This will allow the patient to decide if she wanted to go ahead with the treatment. We decided to restore with a veneer and replace the old bridge.

Pre-Op View and Veneer Wax up

The upper left lateral incisor was not drilled at all. We will place a zero preparation veneer. The old bridge on the upper left 1st pre molar was removed.

Provisional Restorations

Already the cosmetic result is improved with the acrylic provisional veneer and bridge in place. Ivoclarviva veneer and bridge will be placed at the patients next visit.