
An excellent solution to missing teeth that is both functional and comfortable.


Dentures are a removable placement which can be used to replace some or all of a patients teeth. Partial dentures are used to cover some missing teeth, restoring functionality and comfort in that area. Comparatively, full dentures are used to replace all of a patient’s teeth.

A Cobalt Chrome parital denture is an excellent alternative to bridges and implants when multilple teeth are missing. These types of dentures take support from the gums and remaiing teeth allowing biting load to be spread evenly amoungst remaining teeth. Sometimes we will need to “make good” any remaining teeth to ensure they are strong enough to help secure the denture. If a tooth is heavily restored already, we may place a crown with retentive characteristics onto the tooth so the denture clicks into a very positive fit.

All plastic/acrylic dentures are used for full dentures. where patients have lost all their teeth. Sometimes we will use parital plastic/acrylic dentures to transition patients to a full denture, adding teeth to the denture as they are lost until they are converted to a full denture wearer.


At the beginning of the treatment, the dentist will assess the patient to ensure that they are suitable for dentures. If it is necessary to remove any teeth, this will be addressed prior to any impressions being taken. Once the mouth is prepared, an impression will be taken to ensure the new dentures fit comfortably. Finally, the dentures will be constructed, fitted and adjusted to ensure patient comfort.

Frequently asked questions

How long do dentures last?

If cared for effectively, dentures can last up to 20 years but eventually they may become worn and a replacement can be considered.

Will they affect my speech?

At first, denture can affect patient’s speech. However, in a short amount of time, they begin to adjust and their speech returns to normal.