Dental crowns

Crowns are an excellent solution for teeth which are damaged or require cosmetic repairs.


Dental crowns are placed on the top of damaged teeth to restore functionality and protection. They can be made from porcelain and metal, gold or different types of ceramic that have a natural appearance, enabling you to smile with confidence. Crowns can also provide an alternative to fillings, or act as supplement protection for large existing fillings.


Previously having crowns fitted required two appointments, a couple of weeks apart. In the first appointment, the tooth is prepared and an impression is taken. A temporary crown is also fitted for protection. Then, at the next appointment, the permanent crown is fitted.

In 2017 Dr Connolly invested in CAD/CAM technology for the practice. This allows us to deliver a lithium disilicate ceramic crown on the same day. Your tooth will be prepared in a morning appointment and a 3 dimensional scan of the tooth will be taken. The crown will then be deigned with your input so you can see a virtual model before the crown is made in a milling machine, glazed and fired.  A couple of hours later, generally after lunch time we will fit your crown. No impressions are used which is ideal for people with gagging problems. Also no temporary crowns are necessary.

Frequently asked questions

Are crown fittings painful?

Local anaesthetic will be used to ensure that the treatment is painless. However, patients may experience some sensitivity in the days following.

How long do crowns last?

Porcelain dental crowns typically last for between 5 and 15 years. Their durability can be enhanced significantly through proper dental care.